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The Bottom Line: Fifty shades of gray make work in the movies, but not in life

Writer's picture: Dennis McCaslinDennis McCaslin

So, let's preface this by stating the obvious.

The only thing politically correct about me is the fact that I am of the high-minded opinion that when it comes to politics, I am usually correct. This being an "opinion" column. I am of the opinion if you disagree with me on the fundamental and basic issues of right and wrong, good and bad, and conservative or liberal, you are wrong and I am right.

I'm not talking about nuances or personalities. Despite the movie franchise of the name, there are not fifty shades of gray. Life is simple. You are either civilized or you're not. You are either a productive and important member of society or you're not.

It takes all kinds. Obviously. But you have to pay the piper. Eventually.

The bottom line? That's what is so great about this country. We all have the freedom to be, do, embrace and live right. Or you can take the other route, as long as you are willing to accept the associated circumstances

I'm not going to retrace the endless rhetoric that has been expended on the latest school shooting. It does absolutely no good. We can all agree that people shouldn't be shooting up schools and killing kids. How we deal with the problem and to what extent our motives are defined is the issue.

(Disclaimer...I am a big Trump fan, a conservative, a supporter of law and order and unabashedly patriotic. The flip side of that equation results in someone who thought Hillary was a good idea, is a liberal and a miscreant that thinks laws are made for other people and is probably a Socialist dimwit. See. I told you. Not a politically correct bone in this old body.)

I get it. There is a factor out that does not like our duly-elected president. There were a lot of people that didn't like the last duly-elected president (and for good reason) but they didn't spend every waking hour trying to sabotage his presidency. I actually prayed for the guy. A lot. The only solace I can take is if I hadn't of prayed it may have been worse.

Let's not rehash all this "conspiracy" stuff about the Florida shooting, the "youth-led" demonstrations and rallies and calls for unrealistic gun control that violates the Constitution that was given to "we the people". Look up the word "inalienable" sometime. Ol' Tommy Jefferson and Sammy Adams worded it that way for a reason.

But let's put a local spin on a national story.

Last week, a flyer started floating around talking about a "We March to Live" rally to be held on March 24 in Fort Smith. Organized and hosted by the Democratic Party and other factions, the event is going to just another organized attempt and opportunity to bash conservatives and Donald Trump. And it was announced as being scheduled to be held at Fort Smith Northside high school.

The school board basically made a policy in 2015 that school district property and facilities cannot be used for a political event that is not "neutral" and presented as such. Someone obviously thinks they were given the okay by someone to hold the rally on school property. The flyer doesn't say "we are gathering in the vicinity of Northside High School". It clearly says "Northside High School".

But this ain't happening on my watch. At least not without an explanation. And a caveat.

I have already been contacted by a high-ranking official from another "political organization" which says if this "rally" is allowed to be held on school property they are going to hold one of their own the very next weekend. On school property.

And if they are denied access, they are going to sue. In fact, I'm pretty sure the whole thing is about them making a point and suing the Fort Smith School District if they are not allowed the same access to school facilities. It could just be an excuse for them looking to sue to generate some revenue.

I can tell you this much. It ain't Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, the Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, the Jewish Defense League, NOW, the Rainbow Coaltion the NRA, the Pro Bowlers Association, the Boy Scouts of America or the Aryan Nation.

It's worse. And they're dead serious.

I have contacted Dr. Brubaker, the superintendent of Fort Smith schools and asked him five questions. They are:

-Will this event be held on school property or utilize schools facilities or resources?

-If, so, who authorized the event?

-Who approached the school district to get permission for the event, if anyone?

-What is your personal opinion concerning politicized events on school property?

-If this event is allowed to be held on school property with your approval will you also approve any other event from any other registered political groups that would like to hold a rally?

I will await his answers and dutifully report his responses. If I get any. I am already told that one school board member has already said his deal isn't going down the way it's been proposed.

So we'll see.

This is not about the rally or "freedom of speech". Rally around all the nonsense you want on your time and in your space. My tax dollars goes to building schools. Take your BS down the street. We are either going to follow policies that are in place or, as I said earlier, YOU (or someone) must be willing to accept the associated circumstances.

Those circumstances include having to listen to and accommodate language and rhetoric you may not like once you cross that line of "making exceptions" in policy.

Or get your politically- correct ass sued on the flip side.

Fifty shades of gray is a movie. Not reality.

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