Much like Doc Holliday and Johnny Ringo in "Tombstone", I use my Latin sparingly but with meaning and purpose.
Caveat emptor. That being said, when it comes to the upcoming elections for some of the municipal and state offices, it's buyer beware. Especially since the market has been manipulated into a situation where your only option in a number of cases is voting for the lesser of two evils.

The bottom line. I have been saying for weeks that the election process was being manipulated at best and was crooked at worse. Some of the manipulative moves have been so "in your face" that you--as a potential voter--should feel insulted.
Let's start with one race for Fort Smith City Director. Weeks ago, we told you that one sitting Director was not going to seek reelection and would wait until the last minute to make that announcement with the thought process she could slide her hand-picked successor into the spot with no opposition.
Hell. We even named the hand-picked successor weeks ago. The non-transparency in the whole affair is laughable.

The plan got foiled somewhat when another citizen decided to run for the spot and then two more filed for the same spot just before the deadline. One of those four potential candidates has now done an about-face (we have tried to contact him for a reason) and dropped out of the race.
So now we have a three-way race with one of the candidates--who has shown a proclivity to side with the more "progressive" among us--running with the blessing and support of the Powers That Be.

The person was recently handpicked for a local commission that has been much in the news for increasing it's membership by two members for no other reason than to (and I quote) "stack the court".
That candidate also has been a candidate in the past, and there are reports of campaign signs in support of that failed run festooning the manicured lawns of some of the PTB.

The two remaining candidates are political neophytes who face an uphill battle. When the people that actually run things and their money are against you, it's like climbing Mount Everest. It can be done, but it's a task.
By the same token. the Mayor's race had the potential to be a sham. Same deal. The PTB had picked who they wanted The late addition of a candidate and the desire of some residents to see "new blood" in local government may well make the race an intriguing and exciting one, but rest assured. There is only one result that works for the PTB and their agenda.

So...in both those races "caute procedere" or "proceed with caution".
I would get upset about one of the local State Representative races but it's hard to get too worked up over what may be one of the most laughable candidates in the state at any level. If this schlemiel gets more than 25% of the vote in the General Election I owe a couple of guys a steak dinner.
There is another State Representative race that bears watching just because one of the candidates is a lackey for the governor of this state, who used to be a Republican.

Which brings us to Asa. I voted or the guy and supported him in the past, but this time around I --personally-- only have a couple of options. Either vote for the Third Party candidate or just skip the Governor's trace entirely.
I can't vote for a Democrat under any circumstances and I'm the guy that yells the loudest when someone throws away their vote by voting for one of these "fringe guys". And under normal circumstances I would never consider "not voting" at all.

But since this election has been rigged from the outset and Asa is going to win regardless, a "no vote" won't be wasted by keeping a vote from someone who has a chance to win.
Now, I'm not telling you how to vote. I would never prsume to do that. We're all grown-ups here and the freedom to vote for who we choose is one of the most precious commodities we have.

Sadly, however, Mark Twain reportedly said "If voting really made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it."
I don't know if he said it or not. If he didn't, he should have.
"A bove majori discit arare minor."
I'll let you look that one up.