Bake Cookies Day occurs in the middle of the holiday season, and is a great excuse to bake some delicious cookies to help you get through the cold, winter days!
Why not try some cinnamon flavored cookies (such as the snickerdoodle) to get your kitchen smelling of winter festivities? Or there’s always the classic ‘sugar cookie’ with brightly colored royal icing, silver candy balls and sprinkles, cut into a myriad of seasonal shapes.
Bake Cookies Day is your excuse to indulge in the art (and eating) of cookies of every stripe and measure, especially those that remind you of the season.
Cookies arrived in America in the 17th century, although the word arrived much later with the Dutch in its original form of “koekje”, meaning “little cake”. This was soon shortened to “cooky” or “cookie”, although cookies themselves seem to date back as far as 7th century Persia! Since then they’ve become a global phenomena that come in more varieties, flavors, and styles than you can possibly imagine.
From fruit filled cookies to the simple but delectable sugar cookie (Yep, got a sugar cookie fixation, tis the season!), these “little cakes” are simply the most amazing thing to come out of an oven since bread· Every year people get together to celebrate Bake Cookies Day by baking dozens of cookies for charity drives, orphanages, and generally bringing joy to family and friends everywhere.
How to celebrate Bake Cookies Day
The most obvious way of celebrating is to bake up a batch or seven of your favorite cookies· Whether it’s one dozen or 12 Bake Cookies Day is the day to get everything together and fill your house with the joy of the holidays·
Now, if you’re looking to do more, than you can organize a charity bake-off where people pay a small fee to come in and sample all the cookies and vote on them, and the prize goes to a charity of the winners choice·

Nobody hates cookies, so at the end of the day you’re sure to have a successful event·