So the Fort Smith Board of Minions on Tuesday night did exactly what I told you they would do in the last column I wrote, which was vote 6-1 to hold a special election to steal $17 million from the taxpayers to fund a project that we were promised from the start would be built by private donations.
I couldn't have gone to the Fort Smith Board of Director meeting on Tuesday because I was busy broadcasting basketball from Wilburton. But had I been free I wouldn't have gone anyway because just like everything else involving our municipal officials, the fix was in and the deal was done before the city even held their semi-transparent meeting.

It was (and always is) business as usual. The powers behind the scene knew going in what the outcome would be on the BOD decision to hold the special election.
In the past six years, there has not been one ordinance approved, one penny spent or one thought allowed that wasn't preordained by the ruling class.
The bottom line? Like I said. Business as usual.

(By the way. I have been claiming that a six-headed mafia runs this city. After being contacted by and consulting with some folks in the know, I apologize. This monster actually has eight heads. The Japanese call him Yamata no Oroch. Cute fellow.)
I stand corrected.
While I appreciate the fact that it will be the "voters" who decide whether or not this tax passes, I agree wholeheartedly that the timing so a "special" election will have to be held is nothing more than a strategy by all involved to push this thing through against the path of least resistance.

Those That Would Be King know (and have used this in the past) that turnout for special elections is always pathetic. To paraphrase a statement we have heard before (and despite poetic pleas to the contrary) the deck is being stacked. Because everyone involved has known all along that this day was coming.
The date of the general election we just held was too early for them to play their hand, and with the next general election slated for May of 2020, planting the notion that the entire pyrrhic victory they have been anticipating is about to to come crumbling down around their majestic ears is the only play they have left.

Like Nero, they fiddle (or play a harp) while Rome is burning. Matthew 6:24. They don't care what you and I think. Because they only serve one master, which is a collective of "progressive citizens" for which they unfailingly do their duties.
I did get a chance to watch the replay of the aforementioned meeting on the city website. The off-handed manner in which the "citizens comments" were addressed is typical of this bunch.
Those that were "for" the special election were given time to make presentations beyond their allotted five minutes due to special dispensation from the Star Chamber. To the point that one was allowed to come back and read a statement of glittering generalities from someone who wasn't there.

But when the "aginner's" five minutes was up and there were still two people left to speak, there was no consideration to extend their time. Applause in support of the measure was allowed to go on pretty much unfettered. Applause against it was met with a stern belly bump and "sit down and shut up".
Like I said. Business as usual.
Then, various members of the board leased out their souls once again for the "greater good" of their benefactors. One director, George Catsavis, said in his allotted time to speak that he was "wasting his time" because he knew how the vote was going to go. As did us all.

Poor ol' George. It's like that 1939 movie like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. "Did you ever have so much to say about something, you just couldn't say it?"
The others all acted like honey butter on a cat head biscuit. And they have their reasons (which will be detailed in the weeks to come) but they may have overplayed their hand this time. People are fed up with being lied to by condescending and trifling yes men and their pettifogging pandering to their keepers.
Despite the "deck stacking" people will get out and vote on this issue. And given the common sense of the electorate, I doubt that it passes. But like the well-schooled museum director said, there has been no contingency put in place for that to happen, so......

Look. The museum is a big deal. I'm all for the home of the US Marshal Museum being right here in Fort Smith. But the last vehicle I bought (in 2014) was a 2011 Chevrolet Traverse, I would have loved to have bought a Lamborghini. But I couldn't afford it. And it wouldn't have been fair for me to buy a Lamborghini and expect someone else to pay for it down the road.
I know it's just for "nine months" (supposedly). But that's not the point. The point is when people who are entrusted with watching your back shine the blade that stabs your back, it starts to get a little tedious.
How about this? We build a $35 million museum instead of asking the taxpayers to turn a blind-eye to this bill of good we're being sold.
Follow the money. That always works.
Business as usual. As usual.