Over the next several weeks, Today in Fort Smith will be taking a systematic and alphabetic look at all boards and commissions in the city, their function and a listing of their members.
Advertising and Promotions Commission
Claude Legris, Director Fort Smith Convention & Visitors Bureau 2 North B Fort Smith, AR 72901
Phone: 1-800-637-1477
Phone: 783-8888 Fax: 784-2421 Email: tourism@fortsmith.org
The Advertising and Promotion Commission is authorized to administer and oversee funds received from the three percent Fort Smith lodging tax and is comprised of seven (7) members as follows according to Ark. Code Ann 26-75-605:
Four members of the commission shall be owners or managers of businesses in the tourism industry and shall reside in either Fort Smith or within Sebastian County.
At least three (3) of these four (4) members shall be owners or managers of hotels, motels or restaurants and all of them shall staggered terms of four (4) years. Two (2) members of the commission shall be members of the governing body of the City of Fort Smith and selected by the governing body and shall serve at the will of the governing body.
One (1) member of the Commission shall be from the public at large who shall reside within Fort Smith or Sebastian County and shall serve for a term of four (4) years. Any vacancy in the four (4) tourism industry positions or the one (1) at large position shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining members of the commission, with the approval of the Fort Smith Board of Directors.
Meetings are monthly as called and are held at the Fort Smith Visitor Center, 2 North B Street, unless otherwise stated in meeting announcements.