From the wheel to smartphones, technology has been changing the world. January 6 is the day to recognize those achievements and to look to the future of technology.
Imagine the world without technology. In our daily lives, we can’t take a step without coming into contact with a form of it. The world is abuzz with technology.
Outside of the healthcare sector, tech jobs are one of the strongest and fastest growing divisions.
And let’s face it, technology is at the center of most jobs these days. From agriculture, healthcare and fitness to entertainment, food service and security we use technology to keep us organized, connected, healthy and safe.
One area of the tech world that continues to advance and affect our lives is apps (short for applications). With the advent of smartphones, apps are way more than just games or photo editing. If you haven’t made any resolutions yet, resolve to check out these trending apps:
AXEL – Files move or stream from one device straight to another. No stops along the way. No uploading. No middlemen. www.axel.org
Circle of 6 – When talking about personal safety, this is a tool you might consider having. It’s designed to quickly and discreetly get help in dangerous situations. By simply tapping twice, pre-written messages are sent to designated recipients, GPS location included. http://www.circleof6app.com/
Zombies, Run! – It’s a game. It’s exercise. It’s got zombies. It’s a zombie exercise game. If nothing else motivates you, maybe this will. https://zombiesrungame.com/
AXEL, a technology-based company headquartered out of Las Vegas, founded National Technology Day. The Registrar at National Day Calendar declared National Technology Day in 2016.