I ain't Mr. Rogers, but it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
In addition to gathering the news so a bunch of ingrates can piggyback off my efforts, battling Facebook in an effort to appease the terminally butt hurt people that are forced into their safe place by the truth and displaying more balls than a Christmas tree in a Macy's storefront window, I spend a goodly portion every day listening to the birdies.
And a little birdie told me something today that neither shocked or surprised me, and I'm just going to put it out there. Because by putting it on the record, only two things can happen...

The bottom line? Either it won't play out, which would be a good thing for the people likely to be effected by the shenanigans, or it will play out, which will likely not be a good thing for the people pulling the shenanigans.
Either way, I get to count it s a win.
If you have been playing attention to me and my "little, insignificant blog" the past week (I'm told we have been upgraded from just being a "little blog" to now holding the distinction of being a "little, insignificant blog") you might have read something about power gone amok at several levels in the city of Fort Smith.

You might have also read about an officer with the FSPD being given a two week suspension for pointing out that the emperor's clothes may have been missing after the court jester got into a position to do a little retaliatory soft shoe at the behest of the throne sitter.
(For the metaphorically challenged, the cop wrote a Facebook post six months ago that the chief didn't like so six months later, an underling of the chief who has had complaints filed against him by that cop utilized his new found power to make an example of said officer. I'll leave it to conjecture how that came down.)
Those that felt like (knew) the cop had been wronged started a GoFundMe page to help their brother recoup lost wages from this despicable act. They shot for $2000 in the original post...at last look $2045 had been raised. And all of the donors that didn't donate anonymously are posted on the page.

But now...wait, for it, wait for it....there are rumors afoot that every single active officer on the force who donated to the cause may be in a similar boat in the near future.
And I quote: "Ok...Not particularly juicy, but I'm hearing chatter about a sergeant spreading around there might be repercussions for people who donated to that officer. Taking names, that sort of thing."
Ah....so the plan is now we're going to punish the rest of the officers who hurt our feelings by supporting the first officer that hurt our feelings? Censorship ain't enough? We also get to dictate who officers chose to donate their money to now as well?

(By the way Larry, Curly and Moe... You night want to go look at THIS article from the Washington Post before you drag the taxpayers into another costly lawsuit. But then again, costly lawsuits seems to be your forte'. Kind of easy to roll with when you ain't footing the bill.)
-BONUS INFO: Yet another longtime officer has tendered his two week resignation letter, according to sources. That's close to 700 years of police experience lost to a two-year social experiment...
There are two elements that come into play here. When you allow the platitudes of your inner circle to feed your ego to the point that you actually think you're relevant, you're delusional. And despite those delusions to the contrary, you're not as well-liked by others as you seemingly like your self.

That's the reason birdies talk. To me.
I kind of kept hoping that this problem (and another big one for the city of Fort Smith) would rectify itself, but it looks like I'm going to have endure a little personal embarrassment in the weeks to come in order to get some satisfaction.
Or...you guys could just go visit THIS website. You know...just in case you're looking.