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The Bottom Line: Standing invitation to place your lips on my ass.....

Writer's picture: Dennis McCaslinDennis McCaslin

Idiots. Idiots everywhere.

I have told you guys--time and time again--that there is an underbelly to our area that caters to liberalism and political correctness to the point of bordering on very real and very literal mental health issues.

I have also commented from time to time that those that harbor those issues have tried (and continue to try) to damage me personally and libel the business of Today in Fort Smith.

The bottom line? If you took two rat's assses and rubbed them together, that would be the amount of concern I have for these knuckle-dragging, mouth breathers.

We continue to grow every day, both in readership and revenue, and anyone with a modicum of sense considers the source and takes the attacks on Today in Fort Smith for what they are...bullshit and bluster.

There are several "community pages" in this area that cater to the mindset of these imbeciles. One in particular, which started out as a decent page on information in the area, has turned into a mindless cluster of one-sided opinions, incompetent administration and censorship.

I was long ago "banned" from the page for pointing out their absolute lack of scruples when it comes to "disagreeing" with their mindset, but I don't sweat the small stuff.

And the "Fort Smith Residents Forum" is definitely small stuff.

So when their feckless leaders takes time from swabbing toilets at the public library to cater to the political butthurt of those who have been torched by me and my publication, I usually don't even know about it.

But in the last few days I have had several phone calls over a "racist" ad we supposedly ran on Today in Fort Smith. Apparently, this ad was reproduced on that toilet seat of a "resident's forum" and people have just been allowed to swing for the fences.

Of course, it comes on the heels of claims that I personally am racist by a failed candidate for a state representative post whose past and political rhetoric bit him in the ass last November. We might have had a little to do with spreading the mustard on his ass that got him bitten, so there's that....

Anyway, the ad in question was an ad that we ran in conjunction with our series on the men who were hung during the Judge Parker era. We used a noose and the copy "Don't let your business get hung up with bad advertising...!" each time we printed one of the "He Hung 'Em High' feature and we went through them twice in nine months.

The ad was also used in conjunction with other Issac C. Parker-related features.

The ad was probably posted over 100 times in total inside those stories. Not one time in nine months did anyone object. But suddenly, because people can't win a logical argument and they are made to look like the political, revisionist fools they are, that ad suddenly becomes an "issue".

I've been through it before. With pitbull lovers. With people who claim we have "no right" to post mugshots. With people who don't like us pointing out malfeasance in office and crooked, corrupt politicians. With people who don't like the fact we won't sugar-coat the news to fit their agenda.

I just got off the phone with someone who wanted to know about the "noose" ad. I explained it to them just like I explained it to you and that person, who was all set to join in with the mindless chorus of race-baiters and attack me and TIFS, demurred and said that was perfectly reasonable and that he wanted to warn me that people were trying to use it to "stir up s***!"

No s***? I deal with it everyday. I deal with rumor, innuendo, blackmail threats, corrupt officials and those that would say or do anything to have me just go away. I have had my civil rights violated by a current member of the Fort Smith Police Department only to have it swept under the rug by the former chief of police.

One current city BOD member has also been on a personal campaign to drag my name through the mud, essentially because I DARED to call him on his arrogance and incompetence. But in the end, he just doesn't measure up,

Must be nice to still be able to buy your clothes at the Children's Place.

I appreciated the caller this afternoon because he said he would do his best to tell everyone he had spoken with me and got the straight I appreciate anyone who calls me and talk to me straight-up, one-on-one without histironics and cussing me out over something they know nothing about.

Very seldom do we "ban" someone from the Facebook page on Today in Fort Smith. Being obstinate and accusatory about issues we cover when we have done our research and merely printed the truth is the fastest way to earn one of those bans.

Trust me...I know more about my rights to publish what I publish than you do.

Save your "Freedom of Speech" cries for someone who doesn't know the Constitution. Or cares what you think, for that matter.

If the unvarnished truth offends you, this ain't the place where you should be hanging out. We have over 15,300 followers and that number grows everyday. We're not going to miss you much if you retreat to your safe place.

For me to waste time and energy on people who have never even visited this page until one of their offended liberal friends mounted yet another pathetic campaign of lies, deceit and out-of-context puffery would be counter-productive.

So say what you want. Make fake pages and erroneously link me and Today in Fort Smith with other "pages" in the area. Lie about my past in an effort to discredit me.

Hell, take the truth and twist it to fit your agenda, despite how slanderous (by legal definition) your statements are.

We just keep winning. And all those haters wind up with a boot in their ass.

Because that's the American way....

If I have failed to tell you losers lately to kiss my ass, I have been remiss.

So here's a reminder. Like the rebus says....

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