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Assault on family member, domestic abuse lands Fort Smith man in jail with no bond

Writer: Dennis McCaslinDennis McCaslin

The Fort Smith Police Department arrested a Fort Smith resident on Saturday after a domestic incident that saw him charged with three counts relating to the assault and a fourth charge of Theft by Receiving.

Christopher Ian Christoper, age unknown, remains jailed Sunday on a double no- bond hold on an Aggravated Assault on a Family or Househould Member - Choke and Felony False Imprisonment as well as another $2500 in bonds for Domestic Battering in the Second Degree and Theft of Property of More Than $5000.

Mosley was booked into the SCDC for the second time in five months following a charge of Domestic Battering in the Third Degree - Purposely that led to his arrested on Septemer 30 of last year.

Mosley is due in court on Marrch 5 to answer to the charges.


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