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Chronicle of the Old West: Take heed ladies...silence is golden and good for your health!

Writer: Dennis McCaslinDennis McCaslin

Over a hundred years ago there were doctors who were nerve specialists. In 1894 one nerve specialist reported a cure he had discovered for nervous prostration and insomnia. It could cure what ails you.

According to the December 8, 1894 San Francisco Chronicle, a prominent nerve specialist says he has the cure for nervous prostration, acute nervous pain and insomnia.

Understand, mind you, I’m just reporting medical information.

The good doctor says he has women patients who regularly come to him with these symptoms. What’s the cure? Stop talking. The doctor says, “They waste their nerve tissue, and they are on the verge of hysterics and acute nervous pain all the time.”

He continued, “Now, the other day a woman troubled with insomnia came into my office. She told me about her troubles, and her tongue ran like the clapper of a farmhouse bell at dinnertime. I thought she never would let up. Finally I stopped her.

“Now, listen to my prescription,” he said. “Go home and keep still. Don’t talk. Time your tongue waggings. At breakfast allow your husband to read the newspaper without interruption. After breakfast sew a little in your room. Read as much as you please. Walk long distances if you are strong enough. Do not make any calls. At dinner talk all you please, but spend a quiet evening. Exercise a little self-denial. It will be hard at first, but if you persevere you will succeed, and your nervous system will get rest.”

The doctor says men don’t have this problem. They merely worry themselves into insanity or complete loss of brainpower.

The article concludes with a patient’s testimony: “Why, doctor, I haven’t been nervous enough to fly since I began to try your queer prescription.”


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