A sitting Fort Smith circuit judge who was "admonished" with a slap on the wrist by the state Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission after being investigated by Little Rock police for having rented a motel room for a prostitute in which methamphetamine was discovered in 2016 is rewriting history and claiming he should be "commendated" for helping the woman through recovery.
James "Jim" O'Hern, who took office in January of 2017 after the December m 2016 incident has been elected to the Fort Smith District Court, Division I post. He left his (third) wife of 5 1/2 years just days after the campaign for the judgeship and the judge-elect became involved in a relationship with Brandie Gibson, a known prostitute that solicited clients on internet-based websites.
According to a source, O'Hern and Gibson are still in a romantic relationship. In fact, billboard ads for his re-election campaign depict a young girl who is said to be Gibson's granddaughter and O'Hern has told sever people tthat he and Gibson are "married".
Police were called out to an extended stay motel at 10800 Kanis Road in Little Rock on December 2, 2016 and O'Hern of Fort Smith and a female he described as his "on and off girlfriend" of several months were staying at the facility when management smelled cigarette smoke and entered O'Hern's room where they saw a large massage table. Upon further ispection of a nightstand, a small baggie with some white powder in it and a mirror with white residue on it. After locking Gibson out of tthe room, police were called
An officer went into the hotel room with Coleman and he was shown the small bag of a white crystallized substance and eventually took Gibson and O'Hern in for questioning. Gipson was charged with possession and later fined and given probation after being found guilty of the felony charge.
O'Hern was issued a "letter of admonishment" by the inefficient Arkansas JDDC and basically told to go forth and sin no more, but in a campaign video posted to YouTube the judge has decided he was the victim in the situation and seemingly speaks out in a manner that may violate his agreement with the JDDC on the matter.
(Transcribed from video: "“I'm Judge Jim O'Hern. Negative ads are misportraying me on one of my on one of my finest days.
Just by being there, I was called out for appearances and reprimanded by the committee that oversees judicial conduct.
I helped someone with a substance dependency problem that had been hidden from me. I should have been commended, as I helped someone through treatment.
Many families are faced with this same problem. This important epiphany inspired me to start curt recovery programs than you can learn about on my campaign Facebook and website.
Vote for me, Jim O'Hern on March 3."
O'Hern faces a challenge for the judgeship from Administrative Law Judge Amy Grimes in the March 3 election.
