On March 1 the Johnson County Sheriff's Office received a missing persons call at 7:06 PM.
It was reported that a 69-year-old male had left his residence unnoticed in the Borden Corner Community of Johnson County. Family members of the missing man reported to deputies on scene that the individual in question suffered from a health issue that would very possibly impair his ability to locate his residence in the event he had lost sight of his house, due to it being nightfall.
After approximately an hour search of the immediate area conducted by 5 deputies, the Sheriff's Office determined additional resources were needed in an effort to locate the individual. Approximately 30 personnel from various agencies and volunteer teams came together in a coordinated, systematic search effort.
A thermal imaging drone, as well as handheld devices with the same imaging capabilities and of course a couple of seasoned K-9 bloodhounds were utilized in the search.
Agencies and volunteer teams included the Christian Aid Ministry Search and Rescue, Johnson County Department of Emergency Management Search and Rescue, Johnson County Dive Team, a member of RFD# 2 (who lives in the area and was very knowledgeable of the surrounding terrain) as well as a number of additional off-d 4½ hours of intensive searching, the reported missing man was located approximately one mile west of his residence.
He was tired, wet and a little banged up; but according to EMT and Clarksville EMS Personnel he was deemed ‘good to go.’
The Johnson County Sheriff Office did not reveal the name of the individual.