Breaking News...
Today in Fort Smith was provided updated information this morning related to the death of the former Benton County Sheriff James Kelley Cradduck earlier this year.
Cradduck, who served as Benton County Sheriff from 2012-2016, passed away on Sunday, January 5, 2020 from what was originally reported as an automobile accident.
Earlier today, Today in Fort Smith received information from an anonymous source who has been communicating with Kelley Cradduck’s third wife, Sabrina Cradduck since the former law enforcement officials death.
According to a screen shot of text messages obtained by Today in Fort Smith, Sabrina Cradduck wrote this regarding her husband’s death:

“He was found naked. (Information redacted)… there were bungee cords wrapped around his steering wheel and hooked to the dash of his truck…. I found many of his things at the crash site after authorities left… a shoe, his gun….”
According to our source, Cradduck had a severed aorta, spleen and broken spine. Initial reports of his death stated that Cradduck had hiked up the 220-foot cliff that his truck had crashed down.
However, it is clear that the injuries he sustained would not have allowed him to be able to walk any distance, let alone climb a 220-foot embankment.
Despite Sabrina Cradduck’s text message that stated Cradduck was found naked, she posted this statement on Facebook on March 14 at 11:15 am:

“ …Right after Kelley’s passing, I went to his crash site a few days later and found one of the shoes he was wearing when he passed away… I’ve been sleeping with that shoe and the bullets I received at his funeral and some other things he had on him when he passed.”
This statement peaked our interest immediately. If Cradduck was found naked, what other “things” did he have on him when he passed away?
Please check back with Today in Fort Smith as this is a developing story.
We have posted the actual screen shots of the information provided to us for this story.
