Trinnity Delous Howard, 19, of Pope County spent just a little more in three hours in jail on Thursday after a later afternoon arrest for Domestic Battering in the Third Degree.
Howard booked into the Pope County Detention Center at 5:40 p.m.; after an arrest bu the Pope County Sheriff Office and was released at 8:54 p.m. Thursday night.
Howard was set free on a $1,030 bail, the standard bond out amount for the charge in Pope Cpunty.
A person commits domestic battering in the third degree if it
causes physical injury while intending to cause such injury
recklessly causes physical
negligently causes physical injury by use of a deadly weapon, or
intentionally causes physical or mental impairment by administering to the family or household member (without that person’s consent) a drug or any other substance.
Domestic battering in the third degree is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail.
