By Staff Report

Alanna Gene Orr, 50, of Oklahoma City, has been charged with felony murder of a child in Indian Country, according to First Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert J. Troester.
According to an affidavit in support of a search warrant signed in Oklahoma County District Court, Orr was caring for her five-year-old grandson on June 21, 2018, when she went to the Kickapoo Casino in Harrah.
The affidavit explains that, according to surveillance video, Orr arrived at the casino at 1:23 p.m. and left at 7:28 p.m. It is alleged that during this time, her grandson remained in the car. The high temperature in Harrah that day was allegedly ninety degrees.
Approximately fifteen minutes after she left the casino, according to the affidavit, Orr called 911 and reported her grandson had choked and was not breathing. The affidavit states Harrah police officers met Orr at the Harrah Police Department and attempted to resuscitate the child but found that rigor mortis had already begun.
On April 17, 2019, a federal grand jury returned an indictment that charges Orr with second degree felony murder by child neglect in Indian Country. In particular, it alleges Orr, an Indian, caused the death of a child by willfully failing to provide adequate shelter and supervision while she was responsible for the child’s health, safety, and welfare.
Orr was arrested earlier today and appeared for arraignment this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Suzanne Mitchell.
If found guilty, Orr faces a maximum potential penalty of life in prison and a fine of $250,000.
This case is a result of an investigation by the Harrah Police Department, the Kickapoo Tribal Police Department, the Oklahoma District 23 Drug Task Force, and the FBI Oklahoma City Division. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Mark R. Stoneman and Mary E. Walters are prosecuting the case.
