The preferential treatment for the son of Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson continued on Saturday when Asa Hutchinson III was taken into custody for DUI in Benton County, "slept it off" at the Benton County jail and was allowed to leave once he was sober, according to a source at the jail.
No mugshot of Hutchison was posted on the Benton County Detention Center website.Also, a female officer at the detention center said during a telephone conversation at 6:30 p.m. today that "I don't show any booking information on him at all" and said she had looked earlier for another media person who had called.
"I don't have anything showing any booking information for him," said the detention center officer. "You'll have to call back on Monday and speak with the sheriff."
Hutchinson III, who had a January 2016 DWI conviction overturned on a paperwork technicality and skated through a Alabama drug conviction in May 2016 with pre-trial conversion also avoided justice in September of 2018 when he was arrested near West Fork on May 28 of last year on another DWI charge. He was booked into and released from the Washington County Detention Center at 3 a.m. ninety minutes later after posting $1,626.50 bond.
In addition to the DUI, Hutchinson also was charged with speeding and violation of implied consent after he refused to be tested for alcohol or drugs.
The incident report says the State Police made the arrest. and the stop was made initially for speeding (88 in a 70 mph zone). Hutchison also had a gun at the time if his arrest but the DUI and other charges were dropped during a bench trial.
Arkansas Court Connect shows an appeal was filed in Washington County Circuit Court on "unspecified misdemeanors" from that date and that case shows to still be open on the court docket.
The latest arrest violates all the conditions of Hutchinson's probation. One of the conditions of the diversion program in Alabama was that the Golden Boy would "not be arrested for and/or convicted for any further criminal offenses." Other conditions included drug tests and a requirement to work or seek employment.
Hutchinson will be preparing for his next slap on the wrist once the prosecuting attorney reviews the case.
