Billed as the largest active Big Top Circus touring the USA, the Tarzan Zebrini Circus is in Fort Smith and is set to thrill young and old alike with seven performances in four days beneath a massive red and yellow tint on the Central Mall parking lot.
Fresh off a similar four-day stint in Joplin, Missouri, the circus rolled into town on Tuesday morning with more than fifty performers and employees and is set for single performances Thursday and Friday, three shows on Saturday and two on Sunday.

Tarzan Zebrini , the owner and impresario of the traveling menagerie of performing animals and stable of daredevil acts, dancers, clowns and high wire artists says he is the eighth generation of Zebrini's involved in the circus, dating back to the mid-1700's in Europe. In circus tradition, the performing acts are made up of aerialists, wire walkers, motorcycle stunt riders and various other individuals from countries around the world.

"I was born into the circus," said Zebrini, who added the troupe performs 30- weeks per year across the United States and Canada. "In fact, it 1936 our circus was touring the continents and we traveled from Africa to South Africa across the Sahara Desert...we are still thee only circus in history to make that trek.
Zebrini says the circus, which travels under the the name Royal Canadian Circus when north of the border, is a packed showcase of some of the greatest circus acts performing today.

"We feature the Dominguez Motorcycle Stunt Team in the Sphere of Death, , Tulga the Strongman, elephants, high wire, unicycles, horses, aerialists, clowns and our Ringmaster and daredevil Joseph Bauer on the Original Space Wheel of Thrills," Zebrini said. "There is something for everyone to enjoy."
Ticket information can be accessed for all seven shows HERE.
