10 Tips: Save More at the Grocery Store
Using coupons and looking for the best price are great ways to save money at the grocery store. Knowing how to find them is the first step to cutting costs on food.
Find deals right under your nose
Look for coupons with your receipt, as peel-offs on items, and on signs along aisle shelves.
Search for coupons
Many stores still send ads and coupons for promotion, so don’t overlook that so-called “junk mail.” You can also do a Web search for “coupons.” Go through your coupons at least once a month and toss out any expired ones.
Look for savings in the newspaper
Brand name coupons are found as inserts in the paper every Sunday — except on holiday weekends. Some stores will double the value of brand name coupons on certain days.
Join your store’s loyalty program
Signup is usually free and you can receive savings and electronic coupons when you provide your email address.
Buy when foods are on sale
Maximize your savings by using coupons on sale items. You may find huge deals such as “buy one get one free.”
Find out if the store will match competitors’ coupons
Many stores will accept coupons, as long as they are for the same item. Check with the customer service desk for further details.
Stay organized so coupons are easy to find
Sort your coupons either by item or in alphabetical order. Develop a system that’s easiest for you and make finding coupons quick and hassle-free. Ideas for coupon storage include 3-ring binders, accordion-style organizers, or plain envelopes.
Find a coupon buddy
Swap coupons you won’t use with a friend. You can get rid of clutter and discover additional discounts.
Compare brands
Store brands can be less expensive than some of the name brand foods. Compare the items to find better prices.
Stick to the list
Make a shopping list for all the items you need. Keep a running list on your phone, on the refrigerator, or in a wallet. When you’re in the store, do your best to buy only the items on your list.
