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The Bottom Line: Did you people wipe your butt and wash your hands before Corona virus hit?

Writer: Dennis McCaslinDennis McCaslin

Clint Davis, the graphics guru and technical wizard behind all things Today in Fort Smith, stays on my ass constantly about blurry pictures in our photo covers. Most of the time it's because I'm old and can't see too well, but sometimes it's because I'm stuck using the only photo that is available to me at the moment.

But the cover on this column is blurry by design and is symbolic for my disdain for the blurry look the mainstream media--as well as wiled-eyed social media experts -- has put forth that has created a mass hysteria over something that doesn't warrant wide spread panic.

Hear me out. I'm not a doctor and I understand that some doctors are truly concerned about this virulent strain of the latest "flu-like" threat. I am also just as aware that many doctors think the thing is being blown way out of proportion to serve political and self-serving reasons.

The bottom line? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, flu caused about 60,000 American fatalities between 2017 and 2018. Compare that to the handful of deaths (relative to the population) that have occurred stateside from this new boogeyman and you see why it's easy to think someone is barking up the wrong tree.

You cannot turn on the radio or television news without hearing dire forecasts about this virus from China that is going to cause a devastating worldwide epidemic despite the fact there have been just over fifty deaths in this country from this "raging inferno".

And over half of those came from the same (probably poorly managed) nursing home in the great northwest.

The mainstream media and many politicians are attempting to create in you and in the general population an irrational fear over the "Wuhan Virus". And in Wuhan where this all stared, it's my understanding no one under the age of fifty has died.

The NBA. March Madness. High school basketball state tournaments. Fights breaking out at Wal-Mart over bottled water. People talking about public schools closing. And public schools actually closing.

This is mass hysteria and it is occurring around the world.

Take a deep breath. Think accurately and rationally. Use common sense.

The rate of death from this virus in the United States is a pimple on the butt of the havoc that the flue causes year around. In fact, this "bug" will never rise to the rate of mortality anywhere close to the common flu, heart disease, diabetes or any other afflictions that plague our society at all times.

I'm reluctant to even throw this out there, but what if everyone was as concerned about the thousands of deaths caused by abortion as they are this virus? I would love to see countless memes on my Facebook talking about the thousands of babies that are going to die between now and the end of the month from being murdered.

I have the following posted dozens of times in the past three days:

That says it all. Like "Rosanne Rosanadana" used to say on Saturday Night Live...It's always something.

I happened to be out and about today and stopped by our neighborhood Dollar General store. While I was there, I bought toilet paper. Not because of a fear of the world running out of toilet paper but because we were down to one roll

People were buying multiple packs of Angel Soft, hand soap, Lysol, bottled water and baby wipes.

Which to me just begs one question....were you people not wiping your butt, washing your hands and cleaning your house BEFORE you heard about this media-created pandemic?

I felt like an idiot standing there with my 12-pack of Angel Soft. Just because I thought other people were looking at me the way I was looking at them and thinking "what a moron!"

Corona virus is a thing. It's just not the thing that click bait media wants you to believe it is.

I also got this message from a reader this morning:

Don't know what "content" he doesn't like. Don't even care for that matter.

I don't like sushi and heavy metal, but I'm not going to tell you that you can't have a hamburger steak or that you have to listen to Michael Bolton.

To each his own.....

But I will tell you this.

You can calm down, Karen...we're not all going to die and three months from now this will be just another memory of when people with agendas cried wolf for their own selfish reasons.

And that's all I got to say about that.


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