(Editor's note: Some of our "cold case" stories from the past will be revisited over the weeks to come as there is always the chance that someone might have their memory jogged and recall a fact to help solve the mystery. Today's installment of "The Lost Ones Revisted" will focus on the disappearance of Samantha Jean Hopper and Courtney Holt.)

On September 11, 1998, Samantha Jean Hopper, then eight months pregnant, came home from work and told her mother that she and a friend, along with her 1-year-daughter, Courtney Holt, were going to drive from their home in Russellville to Little Rock to attend a concert.
Samantha promised her mother that she would be safe and that she would return the next day. Samantha and Courtney have never been seen or heard from since. Unfortunately, those are all the details that exist. There is nothing else to go on. Samantha and Courtney simply vanished….
In my quest to find more details about this case, I have scoured news archives, made dozens of phone calls and spent hours upon hours on missing person’s websites across the United States searching for information on this case … and absolutely nothing exists.

It’s absolutely baffling to me that a young woman who was eight months pregnant, and her 1-year-old daughter could just disappear into thin air with little to no media coverage. We must each ask ourselves how a heavily pregnant young woman and her baby could vanish into thin air like that?
Why are “we” as citizens not demanding more answers? Where are Samantha and Courtney?
I have to wonder about the “friend” they were attending the concert with? Did the friend come back? What kind of concert were they attending? A young woman and her baby have been missing for two decades and there is nobody crying out for answers… for justice!
Where is Samantha Hopper? Where is Courtney Holt?
If you have information on this case, please contact me at ladonnamariehumphrey@gmail.com.
