A 36-year-old Fort Smith man who has been arrested in the past for Domestic Battery, Criminal Trespassing, Felony Residential Burglary, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Battery in the Third Degree, and Assault on a Family or Household Member in Sebastian County was released on a $5000 legally sufficient bond on Thursday after six hours in jail on a new Aggravated Assault charge.
William Henry Stefani, who lists Fort Smith as his city of residence, was ooked aat 4:53 p.m. and was out on bond at 11:03 p.m., acording to information on the Sebastian county Detenton Center booking page.
A 2012 conviction for Assaut on a Family or Household Member and Posession of a Controlled Substance netted Stefani a 60 month sentence and he was the subject of a 2013 protection order in Crawford County in favor of a family member.
A 2016 conviction the Battery and Crimibal Trespasssing rrsulted in a suspended imposition of a 12-month sentnece. There is no tracking on Court Connect on the Third Degree Battery and Residential Buirgl;ary charges from late January of 2020, persumably because Stefani has not been to court as of yet on those charges.
