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Various factors drive local gas prices below $1.70 per gallon; some places even lower

Writer: Dennis McCaslinDennis McCaslin

Experts were saying last week that gasoline could fall below $2 per gallon by Easter, and a downward trend in pricing made that prediction come true over the weekend.

Driven by oil prices that are plunging after major producers failed to agree to a plan to prop up crude prices this weekend and by fears of declining energy demand due to economic disruption from the coronavirus, Americans in general and consumers in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri. Louisiana, Mississippi are already seeing prices under that magic $2 line.

At 9:15 p.m. on Sunday night, one Fort Smith provider had already dropped under the $1.70 mark with the Sunshine Station at 2001 Midland Blvd showing $169.9 per gallon on Gas Buddy. At least nine other stations were under the $188 mark as well.

It's even more remarkable in some areas of Oklahoma. Oklahoma City has dozens of stations under under $1.25 a gallon although prices in the Tulsa area are hovering around he $1.65 mark. Many locations through eastern Oklahoma art or below the $1.79 mark that is being charged at most stations in Fort Smith.

Today in Fort Smith will be attempting to keep you updated on this story and the changing area gas prices in the days to come.


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