It has been thirteen years since teenager Colton Ross Barrera went missing in the small town of Russell, Kansas on September 26, 2008.
Colton's family says investigators and the Kansas media have failed Colton. Essentially treated as a runaway from the day he went missing the case of the missing 17-year-old was eventually assigned to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation but the official w0rd t0 date from that organization is still "no notable progress in searches or interviews with witnesses."
Colton was typical of many teenagers growing up in the late 2000s. He had long black hair that he let fall over his eyes, wore hoodies and black t-shirts, and, according to posts from his mother on Facebook, embraced the "emo boy" style.
Colton was finishing up high school and considering moving to Salina to attend college when he went missing.

The day he disappeared a friend told investigators he picked Colton up at his home and took him to a local outdoor skate park to meet up with other friends. Colton was to call the friend that provided the ride to the skate park when he was ready to leave.
That call allegedly never came. And Colton never came home.
Police in Russell were baffled from the start. Investigators at first concluded Colton left of his own accord, but Colton's family says he wasn't having problems that would cause him to run away, and he also left his wallet and identification behind.

The Russell County Sheriff's Office and the KBI have released virtually no information on Colton's case.
Despite the lack of official information from the police, there are tons of theories to be found online,
Colton's mother, claims she has been told who is responsible for the disappearance. . She believes a group of people was involved in Colton's death, which she says stemmed from Colton having sex with a girl who was involved with one of the group.

The rumor-mill claims Colton was shot, buried, later dug up, and then burned.
Some of the individuals with knowledge of the crime have allegedly admitted to and bragged about it
Colton's mother even lists the initials of the person she says committed the murder on Colton's Facebook memorial page.
Despite these claims, no one has ever been charged with Colton's disappearance or murder.
Colton would be 31-years old today. He had brown hair and eyes, stood 5'9", and weighed 135 pounds when he disappeared.
If you have any information that might lead to thawing out this cold case please contact the Russell County Sheriff's Office at (785) 483-2151.
