In mid-summer of 1992, 14-year-old Wilda Mae Benoit of Creole, Louisiana suffered a shoulder injury and was released from a local hospital under heavy sedation. On July 23 1992 Wilda was last seen at her family's residence and she has never been heard from again.
Authorities initially classified the disappearance of the bubbly teenager as a runaway, but her family never believed she left of her own accord.
Creole is an unincorporated town in Cameron Parish, the largest parish in the state by land mass and second smallest in population and is in the most southwestern area of Louisiana on the Gulf Coast.
At the time of Wilda's disappearance in 1992, there were just over 5800 resident in a parish that covers 1,397 square miles. Located just north of State Highway 82 that follows the southern coast line, the area is mainly swamps and undeveloped farm lands.
Shortly after her disappearance, it was speculated that Wilda may have traveled to Florida although there are no confirmed sightings of her after her disappearance.
Wilda would be 42 years-old today. When she went missing she was wearing just a hospital gown. She stood 5'0 tall and weighed just 100 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. She had pierced ears and dimples.
A poster with an age-progression photo is included in this story.
If you have any information that might lead to some closure in this case, you are asked to call the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office 337-775-5111.