Youth turkey hunters have a special opportunity to apply for one turkey hunt that will take place on private land:
Love and Carter Counties: Sunday, March 31, 2019 (mandatory orientation Saturday, March 30, 2019).
This year, 20 hunters will be selected to participate in this private lands youth turkey hunt. To be eligible, youths must have completed their hunter education requirements prior to applying and must be 12-17 years old at the time of the scheduled hunt.
Food and lodging accommodations will be provided by the Noble Research Institute for the 20 participants and their accompanying adult. Co-sponsors of the youth hunt include the Oklahoma Wildlife Management Association and Walnut Bayou and Eastman Deer Management Associations.
"This hunt is on private property and should provide young hunters a great opportunity to see and hear turkeys as well as a chance to harvest a tom," said Bill Dinkines, Assistant Chief of Wildlife for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. "The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission has endorsed the youth hunt program, and we are thankful for the landowner's willingness to allow these kids the opportunity to hunt on their property."
Applications can be found at www.wildlifedepartment.com and require the following information:
Hunter’s first and last name.
Date of birth.
Mailing address.
Telephone number.
Hunter education certification number.
Lifetime License number, if applicable.
Accompanying adult* first and last name.
Accompanying adult’s email address.
*Each child participating in this hunt must have one adult (licensed or unlicensed) who is at least 21 years of age accompany them on the hunt.
Wild turkey taken by selected applicants will count toward the hunter’s statewide season limit.
Applicants who are successfully drawn will receive an email notification that includes specific information about their hunt. Youth participants will be required to purchase appropriate license(s) prior to the hunt as listed below:
Resident Options (Ages 12-15): Exempt from a hunting license, but must possess a $10 Turkey License or proof of exemption.
Resident Options (Age 16-17): Must possess a hunting license (Resident Lifetime Hunting OR Resident Lifetime Combination License OR Resident Youth Annual Hunting OR Resident Youth Combination License OR Resident Youth Fiscal-Year Hunting OR Resident Youth Fiscal-Year Combination License OR Resident 5-Year Hunting License OR Resident 5-Year Combination License) and a $10 Turkey License or proof of exemption.
Nonresident Options (Ages 12-13): Exempt from a hunting license, but must possess a $10 Turkey License unless otherwise exempt.
Nonresident Options (Ages 14-17): Must possess a $142 Nonresident Annual Hunting License OR a $176 Nonresident Fiscal-Year Hunting License and a $10 Turkey License unless otherwise exempt.
Apprentice-designated licenses are not valid for this private lands youth turkey hunt because of the requirement for hunter education certification prior to applying.
All Lifetime License holders and Annual License holders are urged to check their Go Oklahoma Online account information or create a new account online. Go to www.wildlifedepartment.com then click "Purchase a License" in the Quick Links box.

For more information, call Kyle Johnson at (405) 590-2584.