Now that the grace period has passed for current businesses manufacturing or selling food products infused with or containing CBD and/or medical marijuana to obtain their food licenses, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) will have inspectors making visits to ensure compliance with the law.
Field inspectors will still assist businesses in completing the license process, but they will also begin compliance checks for dispensaries and processors under the existing food code, as well as routine inspections of processors under the state’s Medical Marijuana laws. Inspectors will continue educating business owners but will also be taking enforcement action if necessary.
Examples of commonly available products which are considered food under Oklahoma law include, but are not limited to:
Flavored tinctures or oils placed in the mouth or in other food.
Assorted types of baked goods, candies or chewing gum.
Infused honey
Infused bottled water
Other pre-packaged food products.
“CBD and medical marijuana businesses already in operation have been given ample time to come in compliance with the law,” said Interim OSDH Commissioner Tom Bates. “It is now time to ensure that all businesses are meeting the requirements that will protect public health and provide peace of mind for consumers.”
Existing licensing requirements are established to ensure proper processing and manufacturing practices are followed and that safe and sanitary practices are used in the production, preparation, and handling of food products. If businesses are not manufacturing or selling food products, a food license is not required.
The initial startup cost includes a $425 plan review application fee and a $425 initial food license fee. Thereafter, food licenses are renewed annually at $335. Businesses may contact their local county health department for assistance with licensing.
For additional information regarding the food licensure process and requirements, visit food.health.ok.gov or email the OSDH Consumer Health Service at CHSLicensing@health.ok.gov. Businesses should also contact their local municipality to ensure they are in compliance with all city ordinances.
